Project X Love Potion "new Stage 3" With Cream (v2.9) on a whole it was playable, not the best game in the world but defo a 3 minute time burner. Was all going well until the game froze up on the fourth level when the next button hid behind the game. the blue hedgehog runs fast and jumps deftly. gameplay the gameplay of sonic games is famous for its speed. Projectx: love potion disaster is a fan favorite 3d erotic beat 'em up with side scrolling based on the sonic universe, where scientists tried to create a love potion, but ended up with a "lecherous cloud" that covered the whole town. we have noticed on our website that there was a complaint issue about a glitch where the whole game would freeze and we have patched the glitch. project x: love potion disaster 7.8 leaf forest zone glitches patched. in a couple of days, we will have ready the macos and linux version. Sound test and updated boss gallery with abyss, that will be for the next release, that will contains a boss rush mode, the new arena with the stage 3 enemies, and an interactive how to play mode, featuring vanilla. Projectx Love Potion Disaster Gamefabrique can you please send me a link to our last up date on project x love potion game. (a little secret we also added an experimental version with new animations ). Project x: love potion disaster community the game archives a topic by the zeta team created views: 13,561 replies: 2 viewing posts 1 to 3 the zeta team developer 1 year ago we have a website dedicated to the game's different versions. Projectx Love Potion Disaster Download Gamefabrique